Affiliate Programs

Embattled Lawrence
In 2001, Dennis Domer and Barbara Watkins published Embattled Lawrence: Conflict & Community, featuring a collection of articles from historians, civic leaders, and community stakeholders. The series’ second volume The Enduring Struggle for Freedom debuted in June 2022.

Oak Hill Cemetery Committee
In 2022, the Douglas County Historical Society (DCHS) and Friends of Oak Hill Cemetery joined together to support the preservation and interpretation of Oak Hill Cemetery. The newly formed Oak Hill Committee will continue to provide preservation advice, programs, and cleanup days.

The Oak Hill Potter’s Field Remembrance Project
The potter’s field at Oak Hill Cemetery is located in the far northeast corner of the grounds, and was used from 1866-1917. This potter’s field is unique because it features several headstones. The project will work with and for the community to create informational, memorial signs at the potter’s field to remember every person buried here.